Monday, July 16, 2012

Creating Treasures

I've had so much fun this summer creating new items and have discovered a few new metals to work with that I haven't explored before, steel and tin. WOW! These metals are great for metalsmithing techniques and offer more toys to play with. You might be able to relate by comparing the film camera with digital. Digital has relatively no expense when taking a photo but film would cost about a quarter for each photo. Now your not going to play much when your throwing quarters around. You don't play much when using Sterling Silver either, at least not with the current prices but wait until you play with tin! I encourage you to try it!

This month, I'm featured as the Box Factory Artist of the month! The Box Factory is an awesome old building with vintage decor and wonderful old brick throughout. Over 40 artists have studios, most are working studios, some are for writers who offer classes to inspire and encourage fellow artists. We offer three galleries for artists and have the most incredible leader, Ali Hansen. If your thinking of having an art gallery in your area, Ali offers instrumental advise. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she even has time to work on her own artwork! Here's a link to the webpage.